Fun Facts & Helpful Hints

Whenever I'm looking for a new topic to delve into, or just wanting to browse the teachings, I go through my search library looking for inspiration. And before I know it ... I'm off on another learning adventure!

Each search result PDF document is ordered chronologically. That means the earliest workshop handbook is listed first. And the latest/most recent material is at the end. That in itself can be very informative. It helps you recognize how much of the Tan-Tri-Ahura™ materials actually appeared many years earlier. And visa-versa ... much of the Freedom Teachings™ persists in the latest work.

The file names (blue underscore near the top of each page) will tell you the Year-Month each source material was produced. You can also check the Library Index to see what other workshops occurred around the same time. In the below example we see the "Ancient Rights of Passage" workshop occurred in July of 1999 and you can find information about the Arc of the Covenant on pages 26 & 39.

Also, it's somewhat common for the search results to have what looks like a string of garbage characters, for example:

DNA FIRE CODES: ~ A ---w-\-f3 Allow 1 strand

You see a lessor example of this above on the line for page 39. That happens because the software has a hard time deciphering tiny or blurry print. It will make it's best guess and sometimes that looks jumbled. But it's easy to use the search results anyway... you'll see.


Also, you may have noticed some of the document names appear to be webpage links such as:




They are not webpage links They are artifacts of the search process and can not retrieve the original document that was searched.


Another thing that can kick-off a learning adventure is when the searches reveal how roots of words relate to each other. Many of the searches are done looking only for the root of a word. That way you get so much more context for that sound code.


Sound Code?

Yep! Sounds are frequency codes just like diagrams are light frequency codes that we perceive in the light frequency spectrum.

Zoom-out consciously (broaden your focus beyond this embodied incarnate perspective) to see everything as ONE big frequency spectrum.

We only differentiate sound from light because we have organs in our bodies designed to sense only a small segment of a much larger frequency spectrum ... everything manifests in a giant frequency spectrum. So, what about the sense of smell or taste, or even touch? What do those frequencies "look like" from a broader perspective? ... hmmmm ...

Remember that "Sense" is the 12th Responsibility in the A&Rs. Then consider what it might be like to live as if your senses are really just bi-directional communication between your physical body and the standing scalar wave patterns that make up your morphogenetic fields. And your morphogenetic fields are how you manifest your body in this world.

Let me say that again ... Senses are bi-directional communication between you and your morphogenetic fields.

So sound ... spoken word, music, sobbing, traffic, nature, the constant hum of your refrigerator... it's all just you sensing (creating :) what is manifesting through your morphogentic fields.

That certainly helps explain how "transmutation" is a sense associated with DNA strands 7-9 :)


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